Kajsa’s Legacy Fund


We have established an endowed fund with the Wyoming Community Foundation in order to ensure that Black Dog Animal Rescue will sustain and remain part of the fabric of our community forever. 

Endowed funds are designed to protect and grow a principal over time. We have made an initial investment of $50,000. Each year, a portion of the income from the fund is distributed to BDAR for programmatic and operational support. Over the years, the distribution will grow, providing an additional revenue stream for the organization and helping to diversify our funding sources.

We'd love to talk to you about making a gift to the endowed fund. You can also visit wycf.org and click on "Plan Your Gift" to find out more about endowed funds and gift planning. 

If you want to ensure that the vision for a better future for the pets and people of Wyoming continues for many years to come, please consider a gift to the Black Dog Animal Rescue Fund at the Wyoming Community Foundation.

Please use the contacts below if you have questions or if you would like to learn more about updating your estate plans to include BDAR.


Emilee Intlekofer
Executive Director
Black Dog Animal Rescue

Vickery Fales Hall
Director of Donor Relation
Wyoming Community Foundation
