Northern Colorado Regional Animal Welfare Coalition

Black Dog Animal Rescue is a proud member of the Northern Colorado Regional Animal Welfare Coalition. Who is this group and why is it important?


NOCORAWC is a network of non-profit and public animal welfare agencies in the Northern Colorado, but BDAR is also included even though we reside in Southern Wyoming. 

The group describes its desired goals through member collaboration as:

·       Pet overpopulation and turnover will be reduced.

·       Unnecessary euthanasia will be reduced and eventually eliminated.

·       Animal health and welfare in the community will improve.

·       Visibility, support and funding for animal welfare in the community will increase.

·       The professional standard of animal welfare agencies in the region will be raised.

You can read more about the goals, vision, and values here:

Those sound like a pretty common rallying cry of animal welfare groups (and aligns with BDAR’s goals), but why is this coalition especially important? Even though the coalition mainly functions through information and cooperation, rather than being a brick-and-mortar institution, it serves to establish minimum standards of care and operation for member shelters and rescue groups alike. 

Remember that blog we posted awhile back about how not all rescue groups are really reputable? This coalition also helps to resolve that problem. When we are all working together and striving to have a standard set of positions, it helps both the agencies and the communities they serve. Remember that TED Talk BDAR Executive Director gave about how agencies need to stop worrying about conforming to the “No-Kill” philosophy, but instead share a common set of goals about saving homeless pets and providing them with a good quality of life? This coalition helps that, too. 

The Larimer Humane Society serves as the Administrative and Fiscal agent, but all groups have a seat at the table to share best practices and challenges in each community. By subscribing to a standard of practices, it helps all agencies best utilize available resources and create a shared vision. 

If you are in the Northern Colorado/Southern Wyoming Region and are looking to adopt, donate, or volunteer, or just support these groups, the list of members is here: