Daisy's Story


Daisy originally came to BDAR in December 2015 from Hobbs, NM where she was found as a stray. She was adopted almost a month later, kept for 11 more months, and then returned for not getting along with the children in her house. She does have a nervous demeanor when small kids are around, but nothing reactive so we happily put her back into the BDAR’s care. Now it’s December 2016 and Daisy is back with Ray and Wendy, her foster family. They kept her, enjoying her company and fun antics, for a month before she was adopted again.

Fast forward another 14 months to Friday in March 2018 when BDAR gets a call from Daisy’s current owners: “We have moved to Tucson, AZ and can no longer keep Daisy so we are going to either euthanize her or drop her off at the shelter here today.”

Needless to say, we panicked! BDAR staff knew that down there these are high-volume shelters who have to euthanize large numbers in order to keep up with the incoming pets each day...  and one more blocky-headed pittie mix isn’t going to stand out. Pleading with her owners, BDAR was able to get them to wait 24 hours before surrendering her. We learned that Daisy had been stressed from the cross-country move and was not given any support or understanding. Instead, the response was to keep her locked in a garage alone all day, every day.

So on Saint Patrick’s Day, as BDAR staff were scrambling to find options, it turns out the luck o' the Irish was with Daisy! Tansey, a longtime BDAR volunteer and rescue superhero, had recently relocated to the Phoenix area and was willing to make the drive down to get Daisy safely back in BDAR's care! She loaded up in her car, made the 4-hour drive, and returned Daisy to BDAR’s care for the third time in as many years.

The next week, Tansey and Daisy loaded up and trekked to southern Colorado to meet another BDAR volunteer who drove her the rest of the way to Cheyenne.  With 32 total hours of driving, hundreds of miles covered, and the help of numerous volunteers, BDAR was able to keep our original promise to Daisy: she will be protected for her entire life, will always be welcomed back, and will never be given up on.

Daisy is now doing very well back at Ray and Wendy’s house and has been working on unlearning the bad behaviors that the months of neglect caused. She is just as sweet as she was the last time she was in our program (not that we are surprised) and her constant loving attitude rubs off on anyone who is around her. Do you know someone who needs a beautiful girl with a wagging tail in their lives? Tell them to apply to meet Daisy today!