Whenever a pet is adopted from BDAR, we ask as part of our contract that if the adoption doesn't work out for some reason, the people return the pet to us. Our staff and volunteer foster homes create unique and lasting relationships with these animals, and we're invested in their outcomes over time.
Most of our adoptions work out well. In fact, over 80% of the animals adopted from BDAR remain in their homes. However, it is not uncommon for adoptions to not be a good fit, and for pets to be returned shortly after adoption, say within about 90 days. After that, we will still accept them back, but we consider those pets to be private surrenders. If the pet makes it three months in the home without problems and then get returned, we have to assume it is due to circumstances beyond our control at the time of adoption.
Recently, we have been flooded by these types of surrenders. Pets who have been in their homes for years are finding themselves having to come back into our program for a myriad of reasons. New babies, moving, new puppies, lifestyle changes, deaths in the family, unrealistic expectations, and medical and behavior problems for which the owners often seek no help or guidance before calling to relinquish. There are so many that for the first time ever, we have had to ask people to wait to surrender due to the fact that our foster care program is already beyond capacity.
Recently returned pets who you can see available on our website now include Taza, Chase, Penny, Charlie, and Hunter. There are two more on hold for medical or behavioral reasons and at least two still pending.
One of those medical cases is Nyle. Nyle was saved early this year from the Wind River reservation where conditions for dogs are dire. This docile, gentle shepherd mix went on to be enrolled in our PACK Program, where he stayed for 6 weeks with an inmate trainer and learned the basics of obedience and agility. We adored Nyle's sweet nature so much we hoped he might go on to do therapy dog work at some point. Nyle had a lot of people who wanted to adopt him when he graduated, so as soon as that happened he went home immediately with a new family. Sadly, Nyle recently tore his ACL tendon while running his family's acreage and he was returned due to the time, expense, and restrictions needed to aid his recovery. Nyle is scheduled for TPLO surgery next week, an operation which will cost approximately $1800.00, not including the $19/day it costs us to take care of each animal in our program. Nyle will have a long recovery, extending his stay by nearly double the average. It is our expectation that he will make a full recovery and go on to find another home. Hopefully this time for good.
You can help these animals, and our organization, by sharing the pet's adoption listings with your networks and encouraging people to adopt. We are also very concerned about the status of our recent fundraising effort, Wealth for Health. In it, we asked for your support replenishing some of our medical fund. That was before Nyle's return. Now - it's even more crucial we make that fundraising goal. Please, click on over and make a contribution. Every small gift makes a difference in the lives of these animals, and in the futures they can still have.